Moving Info
How to Pack Your Moving Truck Your belongings are packed and you have your moving truck ready to head to your new house. Packing a moving truck isn’t as simple as just loading everything on. You need to do it in a way that will keep everything secure and safe. Packing a moving truck with a little forethought and planning will ensure that everything arrives at your new home in the state that it left. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to pack a moving truck:
1. When you start packing a moving truck, move the largest and heaviest items first. This includes major appliances and any items that take more than two people to move. These items should be loaded on the truck first and kept against the wall closest to the cab. Keep the items in their upright positions and balance the truck by placing heavy objects on opposite sides.
2. Use furniture padding to protect wood surfaces and corners. You can rent it from the truck rental company for only a little extra. It also makes it easier to slide heavier pieces onto the truck without damaging them.
3. Move longer items like box springs, mattresses, headboards, couches, tabletops, etc on the truck next. When packing a moving truck, you should place these items against the longest walls to keep them upright and save space.
4. Dissemble bed frames and tape pieces together. Do the same for other long items like sets of skis. When you roll up rugs, place these items inside, then tape your rug closed. Place the rug on the truck floor.
5. Next, load the largest and heaviest boxes. Place the boxes on top of the appliances and furniture. Try to fill any empty space under tables & desks and on chair seats. The lighter boxes go in next. Stack them up on the heavier ones, saving the lightest boxes for the very top. Wherever possible, keep boxes for the same rooms together to make it easier to sort when you arrive.
6. Place fragile items or awkward shaped items on last when packing a moving truck, securing them so they won’t move while in transit. When following this guide on how to pack a moving truck, be sure to do each step in order. You’ll be happy you did when you arrive at your new Vancouver home with all your belongings safe and sound.
Moving Tips
Boxes & Beyond – A Guide to Packing
Be aware that movers usually aren’t liable for owner-packed boxes unless there is visible damage to the carton indicating it’s been mishandled. So if you’re doing your own packing, use the right materials. When you are ready to start packing, gather all materials: boxes and cartons, marking pens, labels, sealing tape, scissors, newsprint, and tissue paper. WHAT TO USE
- Liquor cartons are useful for separating bottles and glassware. The compact box size divides heavy items into manageable loads. For other items, consider purchasing cartons from your mover or a truck rental firm. You may be able to purchase recycled boxes or return some for a partial refund.
- Try double-china barrels for china and crystal (about $8) and utility cartons (about $9) for lamps and shades. Ask your mover for a booklet on proper packing techniques.
- Newspaper can leave marks on dishes, so use plain newsprint (at art and moving supply stores) instead. Set several inches of crumpled newspaper in at the bottom of a crate, then wrap dishes in newsprint and pack them on their edges, not stacked flat. (If the mover is packing for you, they will provide materials. Expect to pay about $50 for a china carton, considered the most labour-intensive packing job.)
- Try high-durability garbage bags (like Glad ForceFlex) for duvets; they can then provide extra padding around furniture.
- Big, soft items like pillows, linens, clothing and stuffed animals fit compactly into
- compressible plastic bags (like PackMates,
- Don’t be tempted to wrap dishes in bath towels or tuck items inside shoes. This can complicate the unpacking stage as you’ll have to go from room to room when putting things away.
- Leave folded clothing in dressers; movers will wrap the drawers and move them as they are (but remove valuables and items that could spill, like perfume). Drapery and clothes on hangers can go into wardrobe cartons (about $13). Cartons shouldn’t weigh more than 50 pounds. Label overweight cartons as “Heavy”.
- First box out-of-season and seldom used items. Then, do occasionally used items and finally the essentials you’ll need to use until you move out. Those final boxes should contain kitchen and bathroom necessities like tissues, paper towels, cleaners, coffee, light bulbs and some clothing – vitals you’ll need immediately in your new home.
- Pack room by room. Store sealed boxes in the garage or a little used room to keep them out of the way. Keep the storage space organized so you can move boxes around if needed.
- Label boxes on the side so you can read the label when they’re stacked: include your name, the contents and the room they’re destined for. Or number each box and keep a separate list itemizing what’s in each (this way, no one but you knows what’s in each container.)
- Leave your house in good shape. Clean, vacuum, wash the windows and have a good look at each room when it’s empty to decide if a more thorough cleaning is required – or if you are too busy, hire a cleaning service. And it’s always a nice touch to have carpets shampooed for the new owners.
Garage Sale Hints
- Whether you are moving or not, now is a great time to do your Spring Cleaning and hold a garage sale! Prepare several weeks in advance to have a successful garage sale.
- Select a date that won’t conflict with holidays or special events.
- Bigger is Better. Talk to your neighbours; maybe someone else on your street would also be interested in hosting a garage sale.
- Practical household goods such as appliances, dishes, furniture, and tools are good sellers. Clothing typically doesn’t have a high resale value – with the possible exception of children’s clothing in good condition.
- Items should be clean and if not in working order, labeled accordingly.
- A classified ad in the North Shore News’ FRIDAY Garage Sale edition listing some of the more desirable items can greatly increase your traffic.
- Prepare to hold it in a carport or garage in case of rain.
- You’ll need to have cash, including lots of coin, on hand to make change for customers.
- Have bags of all sizes for purchases.
- Use well created, attractive signs to direct people to your home…the nicer the sign, the more attention it will attract. Balloons are a great eye catcher.